Aratiliel's Legolas Shrine
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These are some songs that we or someone else wrote(they can be really stupid songs too!!):

Hot Guys Song

1. Legolas!
2. Yeah!
1. Orli!
2. Yeah!
1. Trunks!
2. Yeah!
1.They're extremely hotttt!!!
2. Yeeaahhhh!!!
1. Legolas has a bow and he's the prince of the elves,
2. Orli is British and he's so fine,
1. Trunks is from the future and he kicks butt!
1 + 2 Chorus: Hot guys! Hot guys! Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when we chase after you?
Hot guys! Hot guys! Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?