This shrine is home to Legolas Greenleaf, the prince of the elves(sigh...). Drool all you like!! We have plenty of info and
pictures to tide you over!
All new news is at the bottom. If you have any comments, questions, or contributions, please e-mail us at:
Thank you!!!
02-09-02 I'm going to start putting my fanfic and Chaser's fanfic in today, once I figure out how to do it. They will
be our first fanfics and once they're up, tell us what you think!
02-09-02 11:58 PM Aaargh! I just can't figure out how to create a hyperlink to my fanfic! Does anybody know how to do
this?! Please help!
02-10-02 4:56 PM Last night I tried adding my fanfiction. You'll see the text there, but the link doesn't work. I don't
know why, because when I tested the link it worked, but it doesn't work now. If anybody can help me on this, please e-mail
02-14-02 8:24 PM From now on, e-mails will be going to The reason is we're getting flooded
with e-mails from the fan club we joined and it's getting too overwhelming. We need space for the e-mails from people who
have viewed our website, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find your e-mails if we kept it at the old address!
02-22-02 6:56 AM
Those who see a little shamrock thingy as their cursor, I just added that today. There was no Lord of the Rings
section where I got it from, so I just picked this one. Hope you like it!
03-25-02 1:42 PM
I FINALLY have the guestbook up!!! Yes, I know it took me forever, but when I kept hitting refresh it went back to step
one, and... well, you know how it goes. Anyway, all you people are probably happy that I have it up now, right? I'm sure you
05-04-02 2:43 PM
Well, people, the shrine has now had 300 visits ever since it was started about 4 months ago. I thank all who have visited
the shrine, and hope you come again soon!!!
06-14-02 5:44 PM
Starting today, there will be a new chat room. The new one is with Bravenet, and I'm going to have it under Chat Room
2. So if you like the one I have up in Chat Room, you can always go there. The reason I have a new one is because someone
somehow took my name and password and used it. So whenever I try to sign in, it says I'm banned from the network for flooding
abuse. I have never flooded a chat in my life! I like Bravenet better, so I'm getting that. Have fun with the new chat room!
06-17-02 7:59 PM
If you wish to send us e-mails that include comments or contributions, you will have to send it to a new e-mail address.
I just got it and don't have very much mail at the moment. You can send your e-mails to:
06-25-02 10:50 AM
The site name has changed to Aratiliel's Legolas Shrine, but not to worry; the site is still maintained by the same people.
I don't want everyone to think I gave the site to someone else to take care of, so I thought I would inform everyone.
11-03-02 3:14 PM
Sorry I haven't updated in a while; school started in September and I didn't have the chance to update it until now.
I haven't heard any news lately about Orlando Bloom, but if I do I'll make sure to put it up. Thanks to everyone that took
the time to vote on my poll!
09-10-03 2:22 PM
I just installed the Code Amber Alert ticker to the site; hopefully this will help to find all those missing kids. Also,
if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or fanfiction or fanart to submit, please send them to
I'll have new news up as soon as I can.
Alright people..... this site is gonna transfer over to being an R.A. Salvatore site. I'm doing my friend's at
the board a favor here and offering this site, 'cuz Salvatore himself said General Discussion and chat are gone there, and
a lot of people are gonna leave when that happens. So... I'm offering them a home :)
My Birthday is marked!
 You represent...
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to... freak out easily. Overly emotional about everything, you're most prone
to bouts of cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be afraid of the fact that you explode so easily, but at least
you're honest... even if you're honest about not liking anything.
feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
If I lived in Middle-Earth, it would be in: Lothlorien or Rivendell You prefer the tranquilty and peacefulness of nature and enjoy the milder seasons of the year. While you know
it is necessary to keep in contact with other living beings, most of the time you enjoy the seclusion of an aesthetically
pleasing, woodland environment. |
 I'm a Fire Spirit
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